336edits quotes Ty'kieast on transferring to Arkansas:
Q: What made you chose Arkansas and what was some factors that were important in your decision?
A: "I have always loved Arkansas even when Chad Morris was there, I fell in love with it. I just knew I belonged there, the coaches and the players make me feel like I belong."
Q: Who were some of the schools that went after you when you entered your name in the transfer portal.
A: "Some of the schools that pursued me were Penn State, LSU, Texas, Texas State, Notre Dame, Texas Tech and SFA."
Q: Who do you try to model your game after?
A: I don't try to model my games after anyone, because I strive to be better than all of them no matter who it is, I want to outwork anyone I come across."
Q: What are some of your goals once you get to Arkansas?
A: I want to be one of the best players that's ever walked through here."